Metasploit Tutorial : Part 3 - Service Postgresql Start

Here, I'll show you some steps on initializing and launching the postgresql service. 
- If we want to save information within our database connected to metasploit, we must start postgresql service first.
- For doing so, execute following command in terminal of kali linux.

service postgresql start

- Now lets start msfconsole. Goto terminal & type msfconsole 

- type 'banner' . . . (really cool feature)

msf > banner  (press enter) 

- type 'help' : for getting lists of command to work with msf.

msf > help (press enter)

- As we move along with this tutorial series, we will use some of these commands. 

This guide by : Bijay Acharya (CEHv9. EC Council)
Follow me in twitter : @acharya_bijay
Subscribe my youtube channel : studentvideotutorial 
