CEH Study Guide For Students - Part 6 : Scanning Phase

img src : https://goo.gl/yNCk8S

Scanning Phase in CEH Study Guide deals with following aspects. Generally finding live hosts, knowing about network topology, detecting OS, scanning vulnerabilities (if possible) are main aspects of Scanning Phase.

- Detecting OS (including tools like NMAP)
- Determining network addresses of live hosts, firewalls, routers, e.t.c.
- Knowing network topology/architecture
- Finding open/closed/filtered ports and services they offer
- Finally, finding potential vulnerabilities. (misconfigurations, unpatched services)

Note : If you are going to face CEH exam, then you must master this Scanning Phase. Go through each terms that are printed in books/ebooks. 

# Types of Scanning
- Port Scanning (For finding open ports and services)
- Network Scanning (Finding IP, different systems in network)
- Vulnerability Scanning (Finding weakness in system)

Below you can see common tcp_udp ports

# Scanning Flow be like . . .  Look for Live Systems -> Check for Open Ports  -> Identify running services  -> Check running Operating System ( OS Footprinting)  -> Scan Vulnerabilities  -> Document details and draw Network diagram  -> Prepare Proxies to avoid being caught  -> Proceed with Attack
NMAP (Network Mapper) is best tool for scanning. Used worldwide. Best tool. Well, stay tuned for lab portion of NMAP tool. In next part, I'll show you step by step guide on how to use NMAP in Scanning Phase. 
